Things You Should Know About Catholic Renewal

By Marissa Velazquez

The Catholic Renewal movement is focused on reviving believers through the power of the Holy Ghost and prayer. These two factors are essential in growing the spiritual life of Christians because the Spirit gives people fresh energy. Through intercession, individuals access divine power in their daily lives. This gives them strength to serve others, address their needs and walk more closely with the Lord.

Popes Benedict and Francis have shown signs of this change among Catholics. They have requested that ordinary people pray for them. To believers who are not familiar with this refreshing that is happening in the body, that would be a strange request. However the movement emphasizes the fact that believers at every level should pray for each other.

Pope Francis makes reference to the Holy Spirit as Someone who pushes Christians forward. The Comforter does not only bring encouragement, He prods the conscience of people who want to live better lives but sometimes let other things get in the way. He gives people the drive to take on new challenges in their spiritual walk with gusto.

The Catholic Renewal promises to bring Christians into a new state in Jesus. Some are hesitation about what this fresh outpouring would mean for everyone. However there is no doubt that individuals are gaining the strength necessary to take them through difficult times. The encouragement that comes from other human beings is valuable but knowing and walking with in faithfulness to Christ makes it so much richer.

The movement first became recognized when Vatican Council Two came to a close. Miraculous healing and prophecies marked the beginning of new things within the body. It reminded people who were around at the time that their faith was linked to more than everyday events. This encouraged them to hope for solutions to problems that they had given up on.

The pure faith that is exhibited by older and younger believers can move mountains. Sometimes unbridled joy moves them to expressions that may be a little different from what is the norm under certain circumstances. However people who have a lot to celebrate are usually unable to let this deter them from expressing how they feel.

Individuals who believe on the Holy Scriptures and see the Word as relevant to their lives expect a lot more from God. They know that greater things are possible in their lives. They also seek more for those they know, whether that involves casual acquaintances or family members who have gone astray. The faithfulness of a limitless, loving Creator guides them day by day.

Elements in the Catholic Renewal movement have injected new life into the church. People grow through prayer and this growth has enabled individuals to reach out beyond traditional walls and embrace those who previously strayed from God. It has immensely blessed individuals who place themselves under the banner of Evangelical or Pentecostal, further uniting the body of Christ.

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