Join A Church To Minister Out To Unbelievers

By Marissa Velazquez

The greatest responsibility of a Christian is to contribute towards the growth of the house of worship. For a successful fulfillment of this role, it is important that every Christ join a church. New believers or existing ones, it is spiritually beneficial for a communion with believers in the house of worship.

Most houses of worship will have various departments for believers to join so as to support the growth of the house of God. One such department or ministry is the mission department that is committed to reaching out to the unbelievers in the world. By believers going to houses of worship and joining the mission team, they can be part of an impaction team of Christians responsible for converting unbelievers into Christians.

Some houses of worship teach their members cultic practices that end up ruining the lives of people. Without proper knowledge of the right doctrines, Christians can easily be lead astray by false houses of worship. Similarly, new believers intending to be part of the Christian fraternity can be lead astray into a denomination that they did not intend for.

Through the house of worship, the gifts of the spirits are edified among the members of the body of Christ. Believers with the gift evangelism, prophecy, speaking in tongues and interpreting can have their gifts improved. With enhanced gifts in prophecy, evangelism and healing, through signs and miracles believers can bring more souls to the kingdom of God.

Every Christian needs an encouragement at some point in life when they are low in spirit. It is well mentioned too that the path to the kingdom is narrow while that that leads to death is narrow. The only place to find encouragement in those low moments is in a gathering of believers who have oneness of purpose and have a biblical duty to encourage one another as written in Thessalonians.

Christians can be able to distinguish right doctrine from false doctrine by rooting themselves in the word of God. Any house of worship that teaches anything that is contrary to what is written in the holy books is a false house of worship. With the word of God, Christians can be well sensitive in the spirit and avoid other teachings that pose a danger to their spiritual maturity.

Christianity is a journey that begins from the day a believer gives their life to God to the time they depart from this world. This is to mean that the knowledge of the word of God is never exhausted but always continuously added. Believers can grow in their knowledge of God by listening to sermons which they could use to minister to unbelievers of the love of God and dispel any wrong notions, false doctrine, propagated.

It is the sole duty of every believer to participate in the growth of the body of Christ by bringing more unbelievers to the house of worship. It is the duty of every Christian to join a church that teaches the right doctrine of Christ. This will be a significant step towards growth in the body of Christ and in service as a minister to unbelievers.

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